How To Stop Procrastinating - A Step-by-Step Process For Busting The Worst of Procrastination

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this quick self-help segment we are going to talk about how to stop procrastinating all right this is a big one so we're going to get into really what procrastination is on a deep level and I'm going to give you some techniques and some practical methods that you can use right now to bust through whatever is that you're procrastinating on so I'm sure you have got one specific thing in mind right now that you have been procrastinating on I know I have stuff that I procrastinate on this has been a challenge for me personally in many areas of my life from my business to my work to to gym to nutrition so all this stuff you know we can all procrastinate on it and we all do it to some degree for some of us it's actually very very crippling and I've had areas in my life where it has been very crippling very damaging to my results and very wasteful of my time and just wasteful of how I feel too I tend to find that procrastination totally robs you of your mood and your excitement and just the joy of life and your happiness so we're going to get all that taken care of hopefully in the next 15 minutes all right so how to stop procrastination bottom line is that the cure for procrastination and I know you do not want to hear this the cure for procrastination is action the way that you cure procrastination is to act in spite of the resistance that you have the fear that you have the negative feelings that you have about not doing that thing and the more you procrastinate as I'm sure you have experienced personally then the worse it gets but if you break that cycle then it really does break and things start to go smoothly for you of course you know that's easier said than done so we're going to go into a little bit more depth on how to do this first of all let's understand what procrastination is procrastination is more technically I I call it resistance it's resistance to things and resistance can literally be created towards anything you got to understand that as bad as it feels to be procrastinating on whatever it is that you're procrastinating on and you might feel like ah this is such a painful thing I don't want to do it it's so it's going to be so uncomfortable it's going to be so scary it's going be so tedious it's going to be so boring it's gonna be so monotonous it's going to be so emotional it's going to be so negative whatever is your reason for resisting it you can understand that that resistance is created within you it's not really in the activity itself and so here's what you got to understand about resistance is that resistance is created any time you make an activity should a must or a need so whenever you tell yourself this is something you have to do this is something you must do this is something you should do then the resistance starts building up inside of you because your mind naturally tends to not want to do the things that it's told to do it tends to just resist and rebel even when the thing that it's being told to do is good for it right so maybe going to the gym you know that going to the gym is good for you but you just start to build a resistance because you start painting these negative movies in your mind about well if I have to go to the gym that means I have to get off my my couch then I have to put on my shoes then I got to get in my car it's cold outside I got to change clothes then I got to go I got to work out I got to get sweaty that's so uncomfortable then I got a like push it hard on the treadmill then I got to push the weights really hard then I'm gonna come home all exhausted and I'm gonna be sweaty and sticky I'm gonna have to go take a shower and I just don't want to do all that I'm feeling tired right so it's just like negative movie that you build up in your head and then of course when you paint that then you don't want to do it and on the other hand there's that other part of your mindset as well you have to do it you promised yourself that you would do it this is a must you must go to the gym and so you're in this tension you're in this conflict and it's creating a lot of pain for you and a lot of times what happens is that you you simply say you know what I know that I must but this is just too painful so I won't and that's what happens that's because you're creating it too much of a need they're too much of a need so what you have to really start to learn to do is to instead of saying that you should or that you must do it tell yourself that you know what I don't really need to do it I could do it so whenever you're procrastinating on right now tell yourself no you know you don't you don't have to do it strictly speaking no one's holding a gun to your head you have choice here you have free choice so yes even though you understand that it's important to go to the gym for your health you don't have to go to the gym you could not go yes there's going to be natural consequences there but just allow yourself to get into into that possibility of choices that you have choices here you don't have to do your taxes you don't have to have that conversation at work you don't have to go in there and give that speech you don't have to go in and ask your client for more money you don't have to go and make more sales you don't technically have to go and pay the bills you don't have to now in a lot of those cases it would be nice to but just let yourself get a little bit of release and a little bit of space in seeing that you do have choice that doesn't mean that you're not going to have some negative consequences but just accept that you have choices in your life and that you could be doing these things versus you should be doing them that's going to give you a little bit of relief next is really allow the feeling of resistance a lot of times when we're feeling resistance and we're procrastinating the thing that really is hurting us the most is that feeling that feeling in our body of being resistant to something it's like this this tension there and I feel so bad what you want to do is instead of resisting that resistance just let yourself feel it allow yourself to feel it right just like take a couple of deep breaths and just watch yourself feeling that resistance just by doing that and allow yourself to feel it you're going to start to to turn it around and flip it around because once you stop running away from it it's actually not as bad as it as you make it out to be in your mind your movie tends to be much worse than the reality on the ground it's usually not as bad in fact doing your taxes as you think it is it's not as bad going to the gym as you make it out to be it's not as bad having that conversation with someone as you think it is it's usually very catastrophize and exaggerated in your mind so just kind of allow yourself to feel that resistance that's going to start you on your way alright the next thing I'm going to give you is I'm going to give you a little technique which is a quick version of the Sedona Method which is very powerful powerful way to release emotions especially negative emotions that you can use to unblock yourself from resistance so here's how Sedona method works and I have other videos that you want to check out search for them on Sedona Method so you can find those on actualised organ Sedona Method basically works like this whatever feeling you have there's like a three or four step process here so first is your in some sort of bad mood you're in some sort of bad feeling and here it's resistance you're procrastinating so you're resisting let's say going to the gym the first question that you're asked yourself is you say can I just allow myself to feel this without running away from it without resisting it can I just allow myself to feel this feeling and sure enough you just kind of allow yourself to feel it okay and you just kind of let it well up inside of you let yourself really feel it in your body so once you've got that you're feeling this resistance to going to the gym now what you want to do is you want to ask yourself and you ask yourself silently could I let this go could I let this feeling go and then answer you answer yes or no and you can answer either yes or no if you feel extremely resistant and you really feel like you can't let it go then say no if you feel like you can let it go say yes so could you let it go in theory let's say yes I could let it go in theory then you move on to the next question would you let it go if you can let it go and you said that you could then would you let it go and again answer as yes or no would you want to let it go if you could just answer yes or no so let's say okay yes I would let it go if I could then move on to the third question the last question which is when would you let it go if you could and again let's say okay well if I could let it go and I chose to let it go then I would want to let it go right now and that's it you went through the Sedona Method and what you do is you do that a couple of times you cycle through it three or four times each time letting that feeling well up inside of you and then asking yourself those questions which you'll find even though this seems very silly and simplistic is that this is an extremely effective method for dissipating emotions and especially resistance if you run this method on whatever resistance you have right now to any problem in your life I guarantee you that you'll get rid of it within four to ten iterations if it's a very very strong resistance probably will take ten iterations of that questioning process if it's a mild resistance you can probably get rid of it within three or four iterations so this will only take you five or ten minutes so extremely effective technique don't dismiss the don't dismiss it just because of its simplicity all right the next thing that I'm going to the next technique I'm going to give you is kind of the reverse of Sedona and this is a positive Sedona method so here we were working on letting go of a negative emotion and now I'm going to ask you to accept a positive emotion and that is ask yourself this question could you allow yourself to get excited about this ask yourself that is it possible for you to get excited about this activity so going to the gym doing your taxes having that conversation or anything else is it possible to get excited just ask yourself and think about it and answer yes or no and what you'll find is that yeah there is some way for you get excited come up with one way what's one little thing you can do that will make it exciting for you maybe it's you can get excited about going to the gym and listening to some nice music while you're there or maybe you can get excited about having this conversation and in that conversation maybe sing something positive to the person even though the conversations generally you think is going to go negatively say give them a compliment that could be something that you can get excited about or maybe doing these taxes you can get excited about something within that tax process maybe you can get excited about getting a refund maybe you can get excited about finally having this off your plate right something find a little thing that you can get excited about and just feel it let yourself feel that you're going to start to feel that the resistance will dissipate as the excitement comes into play the next thing I want you to do is if you're really serious about getting rid of this resistance after this video is done take five to ten minutes sit down in a quiet place and you're gonna do a visualization of yourself doing this activity this is huge if you do this visualization I can almost guarantee that you're going to bust through the resistance so just sit down close your eyes put a timer on and visualize yourself doing the activity especially the beginning part of it the starting of it so visualize yourself getting off the couch putting on your tennis shoes changing your clothes getting your car driving to the gym and getting on that first exercise whatever that is for you visualize that in vivid detail and try to visuals visualize yourself being excited about it you know force that excitement picture yourself being excited what did it feel like when you were doing that for the first time works you excited when you went to the gym for the first time you probably were right that's why you went and do that with anything else do that with your taxes picture yourself sitting down at the computer logging into your accounting software or however you do it or calling up your your accountant or going into the accountant office driving in there pulling out the paperwork going through all the files and starting your taxes because starting is the hardest part once you begin you're like you're done it's the starting that's the hard part the rest of it you're in flow it's easy it comes naturally so picture yourself visualize for five or ten minutes getting in to the action really getting into it and feeling excited about that okay and the final point that I'm going to make here as we're getting off the topic of procrastination is I want you to become a watcher I want you to become an observer of your procrastination in action without trying to change so what our natural tendency is is that when we procrastinate we tend to resist the procrastination because we tend to say well I shouldn't be procrastinating this is bad I should change it but then you say to yourself well but it's so painful I can't change it I'm stuck in this rut I'm sucking the spiral and it just takes you lower and lower and lower and lower instead what I want you to do is when you notice yourself going down that spirals I want you to just kind of take a few deep breaths pause and kind of step outside yourself imagine yourself stepping outside and just kind of looking at yourself becoming the watcher the observer and just notice and allow yourself to procrastinate as you're watching so just allow yourself for example to lie there on the couch watching television and just observe yourself doing that and observe yourself procrastinating and not going to the gym when you know you should and just observe that what you'll find is as you become the watcher and as you become conscious of your procrastination your resistance to the procrastination a lot of it is going to dissipate and you're going to find yourself just spontaneously getting off the couch and doing the thing that you want to be doing the thing that you know is good for you because when you're consciously aware of something you're not going to be self sabotaging self-sabotage only happens unconsciously so really that spotlight of attention of awareness is a subtle but a very big a very big factor in busting through that resistance and a procrastination that you've got and then the last point I'm going to make is baby step it start small if you've got some sort of big project to do if you've got a whole book to write if you've got a big business proposal to create if you've got a massive presentation a plan if you've got a lot of tax accounting paperwork to go through just take that baby step after you've done these visualizations and you've done this Sedona Method go out there and take the first little baby step don't even tell yourself that you gonna do it all just say you know what I'm going to go to the gym and I'm just going to go and do one exercise I'm going to do I'm just going to do one rep I'm going to do one rep of that bicep curl I'm going to do just five minutes of the treadmill just five minutes of the treadmill that I'm going to go so baby step it and allow yourself to do that if you need to maybe that first day that you start your gym regimen again you know just allow yourself to go to the gym and literally spend five minutes on that treadmill and do one rep of a bicep curl and then go back home give yourself that break and if you're starting your taxes and you're sitting down to do them allow yourself to just do ten minutes of tax work and then go back to watching television that's it start small baby step it then the next day do another five minutes next day do another five minutes same thing if you're procrastinating on writing a book or anything else in your life all right this is it for procrastination I have more ideas on procrastination because this is a deep topic so go ahead and check that out on my site please like this share this comment down below and check out actualized org sign up to my free newsletter where you get advanced personal videos like this where we cover topics like procrastination and how to generally rock it in your life how to create a charged amazing kind of life where you're doing the stuff you want to do and you're not feeling these kind of negative emotions all the time how to gain emotional self mastery you can find all that at actualize that org and especially on my newsletter you